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Weatherization Assistance Program



The Weatherization Assistance Program is a Federal program managed by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. It is designed to help residents who meet federal low-income guidelines to lower their energy usage and costs. This is achieved by home weatherization and client education.


Weatherizing a home involves conducting an energy assessment to identifying the most cost –effective energy improvements that need to be performed on the dwelling, and then making those improvements at no cost to the household.


The three major improvements performed in home weatherization are:


  •  Health and Safety 

    • ​​​Reducing excessive air infiltration

    • Reducing heat loss through attics, walls and floor

    • Tuning or otherwise making the heating and air systems more efficient

  • HARRP- Heating and Air Replacement Program: designed to assist clients experiencing inoperable units.


Day to Day life of Weatherization 

Alpha Phi Alpha Donates to Johnston Lee Harnett Community Action, Inc

Weatherization and Alpha Phi Alpha.jpg

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated - Phi Lambda Chapter, donated 30 box fans to Johnston Lee Harnett Community, Action, Inc, low-income individuals and families.  This is the beginning of a partnership with our agency to meet the needs of the community.  In the past, they assisted the agency with Men for Tots to assist Head Start children.

 Weatherization  Field Trip Training


Wayne Bodrick

Energy & Housing Director


919-934-2145 ext 138 (Office)

919-634-8633 (Cell Phone)

Ricardo Saines

Assistant Energy Coordinator
919-934-2145 x143

Regina Hampton
Housing Technician 

919-934-2145 ext 137 (Office)


Troy Murray Jr
Energy Auditor


919-934-2145 ext 142 (Office)
919-634-5328 (Cell)

Hugo Pacheco

Energy Auditor

919-934-2145 ext 136 (Office)

919-270-2592 (Cell)


Weatherization Income Levels

Weatherization Application

Landlord-Tenant Agreement

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